Urban Queen International: Offering Pageant Coaching for Success!

Pageant Coaching Services

Urban Queen International is so much more than a management /media company hosting beauty pageants. We offer a lot more value to our contestants. The empowerment services we provide for women help them achieve success not just in pageantry, but in life as well. Our pageant coaching and training services, along with mentoring and coaching, help women achieve their business and entrepreneurial goals.

To learn more about our services or register for our upcoming pageant, complete our pageant sign up online or contact us today.

Our Pageant Coaching Services

Our pageant coaching services available to contestants include:

Beauty Pageant Coaching Services

  • Pageant Workshops: We organize pageant workshops to educate prospective contestants about how to conduct themselves during the pageant contest. However, the skills that you learn in these workshops are useful for your entire life. You learn communication skills, discipline, and get tips on physical fitness, fashion, skincare, and more.
  • How to Pitch to Sponsors: Urban Queen International will have a number of local brands sponsoring our international beauty pageants. Contestants will have access to these brands, and they will be trained on how to pitch to sponsors. It will prove immensely helpful to our contestants, especially the ones who are looking forward to making a career in the beauty or fashion industry.
  • Pageant Prep Training Session: Training sessions will include a lot of things, from physical fitness to doing your own makeup. You will have access to expert nutritionists, fitness trainers, makeup artists, and fashion designers. These experts will help you put forward your best foot in the pageant and in life too.
  • Pageant Coach: You will have a pageant coach who will train you on how to conduct yourself during the pageant. From walking the ramp to answering the judge’s questions, they will help you every step of the way during the pageant.
  • Physical Fitness & Nutrition Guidance: Beauty is not skin deep. You also need to have a healthy and fit body. Beauty standards have changed all over the world, and now the emphasis is on fitness and leading a healthy lifestyle. When you register for our beauty pageant, you will get access to expert fitness trainers and nutritionists who will guide you on how to live a fit and healthy lifestyle. You will be given tips on how to exercise, how to build strength, and remain physically fit and active. The nutritionist will help you create healthy, nutritious meals for yourself, a lesson that will not just be helpful for you but for your family as well.
  • Mentoring: Our mentoring services will help you achieve your career and entrepreneurship goals. Regardless of whether you win the pageant or not, the tips you get from your mentors will help you build the careers of your dreams.
  • Selecting Headshots: Selecting the right photos for your portfolio is important, especially if you want to make a career in the fashion, modeling, film, or television industry.
  • Beauty Tips: Every woman is beautiful and unique. We will give you tips on beauty, skincare, and makeup, which will help you enhance your already beautiful features.

Take Advantage of Our Pageant Coaching Services

Urban Queen International is committed to women’s empowerment through our international beauty pageants as well as the variety of services we offer to contestants. Our pageant coaching services will help you achieve the life of your dreams. Pageant sign up is going on for our “>beauty pageant in Barbados. Register for our pageant online today.